Omicron did a better job of creating immunity because it is a watered down corona virus. With each mutation it gets less powerful. Like everything in nature. My daughter and her entire family has had it. My grandson has had it... twice.
I have not seen my family in 2 1/2 years.
I am a senior - vulnerable population.
I have more than one immunocompromised disorder - vulnerable population x2
I have cancer - vulnerable population while on chemo
I now have cancer in my lungs - vulnerable population
I truly appreciate everyone who continues to wear a mask.
I cannot afford to get even a watered down virus. Heck I don't even want a cold.
Sometimes I have to go to the bank. or the store, or downstairs to get my mail. To a doctor's office, the hospital, or a clinic for testing. Sometimes I just want to get OUTIDE for a few minutes.
There are many people just like me. We don't look sick or compromised. But we are. We are not living in care homes. We are in the community right alongside everyone else. And we have to do the things normal people do.
Personally I have no desire to see yet another wave of any variant.
You want your life back. So do I.